Last night we cooked up the corn, and also made some soup. Last nights dinner was amazing. We are going to eat the soup today. I can't wait! Enjoy all of the pictures. Janie took them.
Here is David working on the corn. He made it on the grill. This is the first time we tried this. IT WAS REALLY GOOD!!
While David was working on dinner, Janie and I were working on the O'Charley's soup. I was a little worried about it because the recipe the said use two dutch ovens. I don't have one, so I used giant pots. Here are pictures of the potatoes cooking, Janie stirring the soup part and then the final pot of soup. Today when we eat it we will top it with bacon, chives, shredded cheese and parsley.
Alex really enjoyed the corn. Here he is eating his. Janie also took a picture of their gourds, and a flower decoration we got earlier in the day at Dollar General.