Janie and I headed back to Missouri this weekend. We had a baby shower for Emily! It was a really good time. Emily got lots of great things. I can't wait for baby Lily to get here. I was really hoping she would have her while we were there, but no such luck!!

Mom gave Jude and Emily an all pink quilt that my Grandma had made when she was pregnant with Jude. I guess Grandma was certain Jude was going to be a girl. Anyway, the quilt has been sitting in the cedar chest for the last 33, closer to 34 years. So its a good thing they are having a girl, so Jude's little girl can use the pink quilt made by her great grandma. Isn't that a cool story?!

So while Janie and I were gone, you must be wondering what David and Alex did? Well Alex had a birthday party to go to so that is why the boys stayed home. but from the pictures David sent me, I think they had a pretty good time! Alex loves to play Wii with his Daddy!
It looks like a good time was had by all!
I hope Alex didn't go to the birthday party naked! haha just kidding
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