Our Thanksgiving was spent in Ozark with Karen, Tim, and Adam. Grandma Joy, Grandpa Gary, Susan and Kelley were there too. We had lots of fun playing with Adam. He was funny, every time I got out the camera he smiled like he knew he was supposed to. I think that must be first child syndrome because Janie does the same thing! :-) Karen and Susan and I got up EARLY Friday morning and hit the sales. We went to Kohl's, Wal-Mart, Michael's, Sam's (they had a free breakfast), and then to Bed Bath and Beyond. By then we had to head back to unload and started over again. We then went to the mall, Target and back to Michael's. Karen and Susan then had other things to do, so I was crazy and headed to Branson. We had a very good time. Here are some pictures. Mostly of Adam.