Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Done!

It's official. I got my grade today. I am a done! I officially graduate on Saturday! I can't wait! I'm so glad to be done. I know its crazy, but I really was making myself sick worrying that I might not graduate. But we are good! YEAH!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


I made some cookies and covered pretzels Saturday night. I still have more to do, but don't these look good? I love that Santa is sitting in between all my cookies.


I don't think Tinkerbelle is very happy with me! I bought her a sweater when we stayed with Karen and Tim over Thanksgiving. It was cold outside and she is not used to being out that much! She loves her sweater. It doesn't bother her at all. But this weekend I bought her some bells to wear around her collar and her paws. She walked around pulling her feet up real high. And ran from me when I tried to take her picture. Janie thinks we should call her Jinglebelle instead of Tinkerbelle.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Carols

A couple of nights ago I was listening to Christmas music and just doing stuff around the house. Janie and Alex were dancing to the music and using the guitar hero guitar to "play" along. Well I had to run upstairs for something and I could hear Janie belting out the song at the top of her lungs. So I quickly grabbed the camera and caught her using my Santa (from the Tic Tac Toe board) as a microphone singing some Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I knew Grandpa Gary would be so proud of her. Plus I didn't want her to feel like Alex is the only star in the family, so here is Janie singing her song! Sorry its a little shaky, I was telling her to sing louder with my other hand!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I got a job! YEAH! I will be working at SunTanCity as a Salon Director in Training. I will train for a about 6 weeks, then I will be ready to run my own SunTanCity. Once a new one opens in our area, or if another director happens to leave I will get that store. They will not put me more than a half hour away from home. So I have a job. I'm so excited I think this place looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to meet all of the new people and it really just looks like a fun environment. I'm so excited. Thanks for all the prayers, and thoughts during this journey. I can't tell you how happy I am to have a job!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Living Room

Here is a better look of our living room. David took this picture through our window from the kitchen that overlooks the living room. For a cellphone picture I think its beautiful. Alex is playing tic tac toe with my Santa and Snowman set by himself. At least he isn't putting the sheep on top of the Inn in my Nativity set. I never know what I will find there! I'll try to catch a picture of his latest creation!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Tonight we finally finished our tree. We had it up. Had lights on it, but no ornaments. We finally got that done tonight and I think it looks great. We even have a few presents under there already. Do you see which one is yours??

Family Fun

When Karen and Susan and I went shopping I found the cutest kit to make Rice Krispie houses. It was like a gingerbread house only with Rice Krispies. It came with the pan, icing, gum drops and of course the Rice Krispie's and marshmallow. Janie did her house first. Alex did not want a house, he wanted a snowman, so we "free-handed" the snow man. There were some left overs so David did his own house too.

Can you guess which one is David's? He wouldn't pose with his, but I had to show his creativity using the powdered donuts for snow.


Our Thanksgiving was spent in Ozark with Karen, Tim, and Adam. Grandma Joy, Grandpa Gary, Susan and Kelley were there too. We had lots of fun playing with Adam. He was funny, every time I got out the camera he smiled like he knew he was supposed to. I think that must be first child syndrome because Janie does the same thing! :-) Karen and Susan and I got up EARLY Friday morning and hit the sales. We went to Kohl's, Wal-Mart, Michael's, Sam's (they had a free breakfast), and then to Bed Bath and Beyond. By then we had to head back to unload and started over again. We then went to the mall, Target and back to Michael's. Karen and Susan then had other things to do, so I was crazy and headed to Branson. We had a very good time. Here are some pictures. Mostly of Adam.

As Promised...

Here are a FEW of the pictures David took at the Jets game. Doesn't Brett look great!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have been so busy with Thanksgiving and school that I haven't been able to post lately. So I just wanted to say, I only have two weeks of school left and I'm stressing and getting excited and stressing some more. I'm down to a group project. I hate group projects. I hate that people have different work ethics. I know I am a procrastinator, but I at least get my stuff done on time. Especially when others are depending on me. I'm waiting on two people so I can finish my portion of the project which we had decided as a group would be done tonight. Obviously its not! UGH! But I just have to finish this by Sunday, turn it in, and then get my final question on Monday. Once I answer the ONE question (which is intimidating)I'm done. No more school. I can't wait. So pray for my group, and my final. I can't wait for this to be over!!