We have been busy with all kids of Easter stuff this week.

A week ago, the Dollar General Store Support Center had an Easter Egg Hunt for all the families of Dollar General Employees. The kids had a blast, and each came home with a bunny, a bucket, and around 30 eggs stuffed full of candy! They also got to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately I had to work and missed this egg hunt.

This week also started Janie's spring break. Monday morning she got to stay home with me for awhile, but Tuesday and Wednesday had to go to YMCA care while David and I were both at work.
Thursday she had me all day. I only had to go to work for Inventory and that wasn't until 9pm so we had a girls day! First we met up with David and Alex. Alex's class was having their Easter Egg Hunt. Those kids had a ton of fun, and again we got lots of candy and eggs!

Janie was such a big girl, she just helped all the little kids find eggs, and didn't once complain about being there. (SIDENOTE: SHE WILL BE STUDENT OF THE MONTH AGAIN AT HER NEW SCHOOL, THE NOTE CAME HOME FRIDAY! WE ARE SO PROUD OF HER) Afterwards her and I went to lunch, just the girls. David asked if he could come along, she told him he could if he really wanted to, but she would like it to be just a girls lunch. He was totally jealous when we went to Red Robin! We then went to Justice (a girls clothing store), unfortunately we didn't find anything we could agree on there, but we went to the Children's Place and she got a new dress, and two shirts, Alex got some shorts, a shirt, and some undies! Then we went to Bath and Body Works and smelled EVERYTHING. We wound up with some Wallflowers, Soap, and a Loofah for Janie! Then we decided to pick up Alex early. When we got home the kids had ice cream cones and I started cooking the eggs. And Thursday night we were able to dye eggs. It was a little different this year. We only did 10 eggs because that's all I had. It was weird to do such a little amount of eggs. Normally we all get together on my side of the family and so there are a TON of eggs. But we have eggs that say each of ours names, one has a flower, one a cross, one said Dad Rocks but Tinkerbelle ate that one, shell and all! YUCK! And we also have one that says Dollar General! I think we should have had one that says DAVID IS CRAZY!

Yesterday we got up early, since David was off, and went to see Hannah Montana the movie. THE KIDS LOVED IT. Every little girl in the theatre was singing along. It was really cute. Yesterday afternoon I had to work. :(
This morning we made our dessert for our Easter meal. Janie picked something out of a magazine, and I must say it looks REALLY GOOD! Here is ours!

So that's what we have been up to, Hopefully the Easter Bunny will find us in Tennessee and finds you too!